One Resolution!
This is it! The end of another year. So how has it been for you? Are you any more organized at this point in time than you were at this time last year? Have you lost the weight, reduced your debt, raised your grades, maintained a consistent devotional life? And what about your spiritual walk? Are you less angry, more forgiving, more tolerant and less critical now than you were a year ago? Are you allowing Christ to change who you are at the very core? We always have good intentions, but they always seem to get way-laid. So how about this next year? What will make it any different? What will make things work this time? Might I suggest that this year you only have one resolution? Here’s what Paul resolved: 1 Corinthians 2:2 “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”
What would happen if that were your one resolution? What would happen if in knowing Christ, in beholding Him, you started to find your taste changing, your interests changing, and even your desires? Do you think you would be different a year from now? Do you think you might actually be able to deal with some of those things that have dogged your steps for years? Knowing Jesus can change you way beyond just knowing about Him. Because once you know Him, you will want to follow where He leads. And He always leads you towards what is best for your eternal salvation. So here, at the beginning of 2012, why don’t you make that resolution?
Thanks again Don, for words of wisdom and insight. I know focus is the key. This last.year has been one distraction after another, satan sees to that. So here is ta year of renewed focus. Happy New Year. Will be sharing this with others...